A September to Remember


It’s 8:15 on a Friday night and I’m sitting here writing this new blog! Why?! Because today FLEW by and I wanted to share some things will all you wonderful people on this first day of September. Who’s ready to make this a September to Remember?!

As much as I wish summer would last another month, I’m working on embracing a new month and all the exciting things that are going to happen. Lots of changes happen this time of year as we transition from summer to fall, some people get back into routines with kids and school, and even our bodies go through changes (so if you’re feeling “off” just know that’s normal πŸ˜‰ ) I think it’s the perfect time to sit down and write down a new game plan, new goals, and figure out what you’re going to focus on and let go of. I even did that today. ha. I cleaned out some drawers in my dresser and just threw stuff away. Oh man that felt so good. lol

Anyway, at the beginning of every month I also sit down and write out my goals for the month ahead. You can’t get anywhere if you don’t set goals!! Goals give you DIRECTION, PURPOSE, and FOCUS. You are significantly more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. The % goes up if you share them with someone. That’s why I also have my clients and coaches send me their goals every month. Plus, there’s a sense of accountability with it.

So here are some tips on setting these goals. Use the SMART acronym.

S- specific (as detailed as possible!)

M- measurable (how will you know if you achieved it?)

A- attainable (is this reasonable for you?)

R- relevant (why is this important to me right now?)

T- time bound (set a date by when you want to accomplish it)

Write those things down and post them where you can see them DAILY. The will serve as good reminders on the days you feel like quitting.

A few things I do with mine: I have two categories for my goals- business and personal. Business, of course, is anything business related. Personal includes my fitness, personal development, self care, and just life things I’m working on. (If you’re in a relationship maybe you want to add that category but I don’t have that haha). I also add affirmations and my mission statement at the bottom of the sheet so when I look at it I am constantly reminded WHY I am in the business of helping people get healthy and fit while also working on my own health and fitness journey. This time I even added personal development books I want to read this month.

I once read a book called “Write It Down, Make It Happen.” There ya have it. Write stuff down; make it happen. Get those things OUT of your head and ON to your paper.

September is going to be a huge month for my team and also my own fitness. SO many changes coming but oh man I am excited!!! As always, if you need support on your own journey, please reach out. I am always here and eager to help you create a healthy, fulfilling life!! And I want YOU to have a September to Remember!!




What Happened in Just 3 Days!


Detoxes. Cleanses. To do them? Or not to do them? Some people say the body naturally detoxes itself so we don’t need them. That’s true to an extent, but when done in a healthy way, without harsh supplements or restriction, I believe detoxes are very good. I’ve done many different programs over the years. I’m definitely not a fan of juice cleanses. EEK, yes I just said that. I felt awful when I did it and the thing with juicing is you lose a lot of important ingredients that are found in the skin and pulp. Plus, the nutrients from juice absorb into your system so fast it can be too much.

My favorite is the 3 Day Refresh! LOVE this system. Just finished my second one yesterday! I did one in April and now July. Both times my goal was to cut my cravings, cleanse my digestive system, and get back on track. And that is exactly what it did πŸ™‚ I didn’t weigh myself this time, but I did lose 1/2 inch around my waist and each leg. I can tell I lost inflammation and I just FEEL BETTER from the inside out!!! Plus, my skin has FINALLY cleared up. I had been breaking out bad for the first time in years, and now it’s going away. yay!

Here’s what I love about the Refresh:

  • no pills
  • yummy plant based shakes
  • you get to eat REAL FOOD!!!
  • don’t feel deprived
  • you don’t have to run to the bathroom πŸ˜‰ It’s very gentle.
  • it’s super easy to follow

Day 1: I felt great. Good energy. But by the end of the day was WIPED. Not sure if it was related to this. The first time I did the Refresh I didn’t have the fatigue.

Day 2: Super tired all day and had a MASSIVE headache. Β All I could do was take a walk. But again, this might have been stress too. Or maybe it was my body getting rid of the sugar I had been eating. HA!

Day 3: Headache was gone and I felt really energized and GOOD!!!! Another thing I noticed was that my bowel movements were a LOT better during this!

Day 4: (today!) Migraine but it could be related to my time of the month. Who knows?! I miss those vanilla fresh shakes. lol. They are so good!!!!! Bowels have been AWESOME today though.

A couple of the gals I coach did it with me and they each lose 4 and 5 lbs and inches too!! If this sounds like something you’d like to try, just email me and I’ll help you πŸ™‚ I have a private support group on FB for it too. I found it’s a LOT easier to do with a support group and to hear from others who have done it in the past!


So what now?! Now my goal is to eat as close to the Refresh as possible for as long as I can. I don’t have the same shakes that come with the Refresh, but I still have my shakeology and a plan to continue to eat clean! I don’t know about you, but I do much better with a plan to follow rather than winging what I eat. It works for me.

Questions about the Refresh or anything else fitness and nutrition? Just email me and I’ll get back to you!

~ Janae

AHA! moment with cravings!


Well, I’m back from my trip to the cities! Being gone for a week really brought some AHA! moments. First thing was with my cravings. I didn’t bake for a whole week!! hello!!! That’s a huge accomplishment for me. lol. I LOVE to bake. I didn’t have the same food temptations around me unless I bought them, which I didn’t want to do. Ok, I did finally try the Halo Top ice cream, but I felt controlled when I took a couple bites, not like I needed to scarf it down. Having my shakeology at the end of every day helped tremendously! Refreshing and satisfying!

I also realized this: the environment I’m in has a HUGE effect on what I eat and how I eat!!! I was much less stressed while I was away from home, around people that make me feel happy, and didn’t have as many distractions around me in the house either. Not to mention the tempting foods. This is called Emotional Eating. Now I realize my emotions have a huge part in what I eat, and so does HABIT. But, it IS possible to overcome these things. EEEEK this really gives me hope that I can change my habits and do what I need to do to reach my big fitness goals!! πŸ™‚

Now that I’m back home, my stress level has gone up and my cravings increased again. Not terrible, but more than when I was away. Thank goodness I’m doing my 3 Day Refresh this coming weekend! Time to banish those cravings and get my mojo back again like I had last week.


Stay tuned! I will document my journey with the 3 Day Refresh! This will be my second time doing it. I felt AMAZING the first time and can’t wait to see what round 2 brings.

Until then… move your body, eat well, and love hard!

~ Peace



Listen to Your Body

post workout happiness

Happy Sunday! When was the last time you gave your body a REST? I don’t mean an active recovery day; I mean total, complete rest from working out, from working, from thinking, from DOING… think about that…. it’s probably been a while.. I know it had been for me!! But that’s what I did for the whole last week!! Ear infection and strep throat hit me HARD. I have never been so sick as I was. No gym, no training clients, and basically bedridden. But it taught me some very important lessons…

Lessons learned: rest and recovery is VITAL; you can only be the energizer bunny so long before your body shuts down and tell you to STOP; being incredibly sick is a very humbling experience.

Today I am SIMPLY thankful for a strong, healthy body! I lifted weights for the first time in over a week (if you know me, you know this is VERY unusual!!). I was so excited to be able to work out again that I wanted to jump up and down, and I was tempted to hit it FULL ON. However, I knew this wouldn’t be the best approach for what my body had just been through. Last week I struggled with the idea that I was going to lose all my strength gains I had earned in the gym. But I realized I didn’t! πŸ™‚ The break allowed my body to recover and be renewed. From now on I will make sure I take a rest day every week to prevent a relapse or other burnout.

As a Health Coach and Personal Trainer, with a ton of energy to boot, my workouts are more important than almost anything. But creating BALANCE is where my Health Coaching wisdom comes in. Take care of yourself. Plan those rest days! I guarantee you will come back even stronger, see more gains, and feel better.

Have a great start to your week! Hit the gym hard, but plan your rest day! Eat, drink water, and sleep! πŸ™‚

And as always, reach out to me for a free consultation to talk about your goals and getting a balanced exercise and nutrition program for YOU! πŸ™‚ Anyone who signs up this month will receive 2 free sessions with me!Β